Sunday, November 29, 2009

Desain interior Elegant Minimalis

Desain interior ini kami buat untuk permintaan dari Bakpao Telo yang ingin membuat desain interior kafe INTELOKTUAL, sebagai kafe penghubung antara dua kota Surabaya dan Malang. Kafe ini diharapkan mampu memberikan nuansa yang nyaman bagi para pebisnis maupun pengendara yang melintasi jalan utama antara kota Malang dan Surabaya. Konsepnya: terkesan smart karena terdapat fasilitas wi-fi untuk

Desain Rumah Minimalis

Desain rumah akhir-akhir ini mengalami perkembangan yang sangat cepat. Kita bisa mendapati berbagai jenis desain rumah yang berkembang di masyarakat dewasa ini, antara lain desain rumah minimalis, modern, mediterania, klasik dan sebagainya. Hal ini merupakan keharusan sesuai perkembangan jaman, kita semakin menyadari bahwa peran desain dan arsitek sangat berpengaruh bagi keindahan desain rumah

Dubai Has Always Been Bankrupt

Dubai is finally financially bankrupt – but it has been morally bankrupt all along. The idea that Dubai is an oasis of freedom on the Arabian peninsular is one of the great lies of our time. Yes, it has Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts and the Gucci styles, but beneath these accouterments, there is a dictatorship built by slaves.

desain interior

desain rumah dengan lokasi terbatas

Saya sering kali mendapat kiriman email atau komentar-komentar di weblog ini yang meminta referensi desain rumah, perlu diketahui bahwa antara 1 desain dengan desain yang lain selalu berbeda. Hal yang menyebabkan setiap desain berbeda adalah: space/lahan yang akan ditempati membangun rumah atau bangunan biasanya tidak sama, dan kebutuhan ruangan dari tiap-tiap keluarga juga berbeda. Tetapi untuk

Modern Design

Interior Design

Before you start considering spending your hard earned money on decorators and interior designers maybe you should consider carrying out the work yourself.You will find it fun and exhilarating , watch your home come alive with your designs and ideas. If you want to redecorate your entire home interior design software might be the way forward for you, especially if you don't want to hire a

Braaten Cabinets

Congratulations! Your passport to the most exclusive line of custom-built cabinets has arrived. At Braaten Cabinets, our designers bring their individual expertise and signatures to each project,

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Penjualan Perumahan di Jakarta Naik 75%

Jakarta - Pada kuartal III-2009 penjualan perumahan di DKI Jakarta dan sekitarnya meningkat 75% atau mencapai 2.560 unit dari kuartal sebelumnya yang sebesar 1.400 unit. Foto: dok.detikFinance Demikian disampaikan oleh Head Of Research and Consultantcy Procon dalam Property Market Outlook 2010 oleh Procon Savills di Gedung BEI, Jakarta, Rabu (11/11/2009)."Kenaikan penjualan tersebut

Property tax revenue plummets with home values

As banks feverishly dump foreclosed homes at cut-rate prices, and as neighboring homes change hands at similar bargain-basement rates, those amounts are enshrined as the new basis for determining property tax until the homes are sold again. Under Prop. 13, that basis can rise a maximum of just 2 percent a year, even if the home is worth significantly more. The consequence is likely to be a

Rahasia Memulai Bisnis Tanpa Uang : Kawan Sebagai Jaminan

Ketika saya memberi seminar Kewirausahaan di Pondok Pesantren Krapyak Yogyakarta bersama kawan saya, Pak Maryono. Setelah saya membeberkan bagaimana menjadi pengusaha yang cerdas dan bagaimana strategi memulai dan melambungkan bisnis, giliran kawan saya Pak Maryono bercerita tetang bagaimana ia mengawali bisnis untuk pertama kalinya. Pak Maryono mengawali bisnis sebagai penjual buku-buku

Tips Memilih Water Heater

beberapa hal penting yang harus diperhatikan sebelum membeli water heater untuk rumah anda.Ukuran rumah anda, water heater dapat dipasang secara terpisah untuk setiap kamar mandi ataupun dipasang terpusat dan mengalirkan air panas ke seluruh kamar mandi. Kapasitas air yang dihasilkan, water heater menampung air dan memanaskan air yang telah ditampung untuk kemudian disalurkan ke kamar mandi.

Membangun Atap Rumah

Atap rumah dahulu biasa dibuat dari dari tanah liat atau yang biasa disebut dengan genteng, namun beberapa wilayah di Indonesia juga menggunakan atap dari bahan kayu ataupun rumbai. Saat ini atap bangunan semakin beragam, mulai dari atap asbes yang murah meriah sampai atap genteng keramik yang terlihat mengkilat. Berbagai jenis atap tersebut memiliki kekurangan dan kelebihannya masing-masing.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Luxury Spanish House Design Ideas Contemporary Styles

This is Spanish house design ideas from James Glower for your house remodeling inspiration. This is absolutely modern Spanish house design combine with classic traditional styles. Here it is best sample Spanish home design photos gallery with luxury and contemporary styles for your inspiration.

luxury spanish interior design ideas
luxury spanish interior design ideas

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luxury spanish interior decorating

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luxury spanish house interior

luxury spanish home interior layouts
luxury spanish home interior layouts

classic spanish house design
classic spanish house design

Indoor Christmas Decorations, Indoor Christmas Decoration Ideas

Everybody decor their interior of the house, room, office and other prominent places to be clean, decorated and beautiful so as for Jesus to feel comfortable and happy visiting there and blessing them with good health. Watch few indoor christmas decorations and ideas along with little photos to make sure how beautiful to decor interior of the house and building. People get special interior decoration during christmas time by keeping the christmas tree on proper place along with lighting, gifts, stocking hanging and more. So, keep surfing for more tips and ideas.
Indoor Christmas Decorations Indoor Christmas Decoration Ideas Indoor Christmas Decorating Ideas

Homemade Christmas Decoration Ideas, How to Make Homemade Christmas Decorations

Christmas is a time for decorations and lots of hangings, ornaments and more. People put their best to decorate their homes, offices, temples, rooms, garden and other places with colorful ornaments, hangings, bells, stars, balls, holly, berry and other stuff. You can easily get some homemade stuff for christmas decorations to best fit yout budget and to express your art and craft skills. Select from below displayed homemade christmas decorations ideas along with pictures to design same at home.
homemade christmas ornaments ideas How to Make Homemade Christmas Decorations Homemade Christmas Decoration Ideas

Office Interior Designers

Interior designers often enter a home armed with a veritable arsenal of creativity and subcontracted resources. In many cases, the secondary services a decorator brings in under his or her invoice adds a certain specialized expertise to robust décor. Professional lighting equipment and lighting design services are crucial to this mix. With the right levels of light, both glare and shadow are dispelled, and the texture and color of artwork springs to light.

Phantom Lighting Representatives, located throughout North America, Central America, and South America, are available to help the interior designer utilize some of the world’s most unique and aesthetically superb lighting equipment on the market.

If you are currently working with an interior decorator or interior design firm, we recommend you point them in our direction if they encounter any of the following scenarios relative to fine art and display lighting systems. While a great many interior designers are already working with Phantom Lighting products, many are still discovering us for the first time.

Your interior designer will most likely recommend new artwork as part of his or her overall plan for creating a new look within your home.

Private art collections can transform an interior into a realm of sophistication with very little physical change to the room. The trick is to find equipment from a lighting fixture manufacturer that will maximize the impact of your new collection without damaging the artwork itself or interfering with general room lighting. Any interior designer will tell you that the two biggest aesthetic obstacles to overcome when lighting art are shadows and glare. Any curator or experienced collector will also add that the greatest technological threat to art lighting is ultraviolet radiation and infrared heat—both of which can literally destroy priceless works of creativity and many hours of hard work on the part of your designers.

Office Room Designs

Tired of finding colored pictures among your invoices? Have you ever discovered random lego pieces among your inventory? If so, you must own a home business, and you must be working from anywhere in the house but your very own office. So you need a home office. How does a home business owner move successfully from the living room to the office?

First, the home business owner needs to establish his or her own space for an office. Find a spare room or a room you can easily concert into an office. Even a corner of the garage will do for a first-time home business owner. Remember to start small and invest little at the beginning, and then when you can afford it, you can build or create the office of your dreams. If you do not have your own space, however, you will be doomed forever to finding peanut butter smeared on important documents, and you will sacrifice the professional look that you need to exude to have a successful home business.

modern office furniture san fransisco.jpg

Secondly, once you have your space chosen and established, organize your goods. Invest in some organizational materials like shelves (cheap from the hardware store), categorizing materials like labels and sharpies, colored boxes, and a filing cabinet. Once you know what you need for organizational materials and invest in them, organize your office with two frames of mind: organize it so that it makes sense to you, and organize so that if something should happen to you and those you love most would need to find important documents quickly, they would be able to. So your system should not just make sense to you, but it should make sense to just about anyone. It should be simple enough that your fifth grader can understand it.