Friday, February 25, 2011

Pankaj's Style File : Bindaas Bhai at Home


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PANKAJ : Considering he even had his own fan club--this is Mr Popular :) Loved by everyone and always great fun to be with.As all his friends would attest---he is a great friend to have and his home, much like his heart, is as open as it can possibly be.

He follows fashion with great interest, will tell you when you hairstyle is outdated or your handbag is just not 'with it' but essentially this is one really simple guy.

A media professional who has worked with leading companies he is known to be a driven leader at work and a great boss to have.His world revolves around his work and the people he loves. 

His house has always been a place for great get-togethers, fun evenings and blurry mornings :) He is also one of those guys who had a passion for his home and its design and decor long before the saat pheras. That his life partner shares his passion for good living has only helped them create a home that is even more beautiful and always ready for a party :)


He likes contemporary design that is dramatic, and despite being known as Bindaas Bhai he will wince if you put your legs on the sofa and frown if you do not place your glass on a coaster :)

The Nate Berkus Living room is a lot like his current living room , the fabulous accessories being the missing part---and all of them are treasures that would appeal to Pankaj. As far as design is concerned, his leaning is towards contemporary and not much of the traditional and ethnic finds much favour with him :)

This Amy Lau Dining Room reveals his appreciation of design that is a bit 'hat-ke' and inherently individualistic. The lines are clean and minimalist and yet there is plenty of colour and drama to keep the visual interest at a heightened level.

Somewhere between the dining room and the kitchen would be the main object of attention and use---a bar :)  Alongwith an insanely mammoth music system. His home is always brimming with activity and interaction and in a perpetual state of 'hosting'.

The Suzanne Lovelle kitchen is glamorous and contemporary. I doubt if he would ever spend much time in here, so the kitchen will probably look this great every single day :) And yes, there would ALWAYS be a bottle of wine --or possibly a Glenmorangie --on the counter.

But it's in the choice of the bedroom that his essential simplicity of being reveals itself--no frills, no fuss. This Jamie Herzlinger bedroom defines his true nature and a need for a sanctuary even while his penchant for living it up remains  :)

His love for colour and creative reveals itself in the Nathan Egan bathroom. Its also a place where he spends a considerable amount of time,I hear :) ---He loves the blue and white combination so that is likely to be used in at least one part of the house. 

When he does build his dream home, I am sure it will be a place that has a great view of the ocean and there would possibly be a great sun deck where he would enjoy a chilled glass of beer and lobster in the company of friends. If he had his way it would be somewhere along the quieter coastline of Goa :)

Thank you,Pankaj--- for putting together this design file.

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